
Spring Cleaning: A Fine Cleaning Frenzy

I'm a spring cleaner. Big time. There is just something about spring that makes me want to throw open all the windows, freshen the linens, and deep clean my kitchen like you wouldn't believe. Even with a 3-month-old, I still went to town last spring. While I was at it, I made a massive checklist for my cleaning frenzy (because who doesn't make giant checklist for themselves, in their free time). Now that I've started this blog and it's that time of year again, I thought I'd tweak it a bit and share it with all of you!

Spring Cleaning Check List

(P.S. let me know how the link works, I've never shared a document on a blog before. It's a google doc, so you'll need a google account. Also, if anyone has advice on better ways of sharing these type of docs please let me know!)

Happy Cleaning Everyone!!!



  1. Your list exhausted me just looking at it!

    1. Haha, I know! This is just the list that I created, I know I didn't get it all done last year, but it gave me something to check off as I went from room to room. And as I went I could determine if an item was really necessary to do in that room. I will tell you that i did a little at a time for about 3 weeks though so I didn't kill myself!


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xoxo, Elizabeth