
Google Reader Who?

Listen up everyone! You alllllll know that my blog is super popular and has like a bajilion google reader subscribers. Ha, okay that's about one bajilion too many, but anyway, I'm trying to be more hip and bloggy bloggy, so let's talk about new ways to connect with Elizabeth Avenue (ME!).

Again I spruced up my blog a little bit, and it's probably not the last time either. At least, not until I have a profesh designer make me an awesome blog brand and format the whole things to beautiful perfection. Man I'm feeling sarcastic today! But here's what's new and here's what old and gone:


Some lovely social media buttons that I snatched HERE. Now you can find me at Pinterest, Etsy, Instagram (when I start using it), Bloglovin, Feedly, or by Email! Just click the icons on the sidebar and you're there!


You've probably heard that Google Reader is no more. Or at least as of July 1st it will be. So I've gotten rid of this sidebar follower gadget.

I never much cared for or used Google Reader, but now that I have an iPad, I find myself blog surfing a lot more. Something about the small handheld size, it's more like magazine reading. My husband claims pinterest and blogs will completely replace the women's magazines someday, he may be on to something. So with the new iPad, I decided to try out some blog reader apps to help me organize the blogs that I love to surf. Bloglovin and Feedly are the two that I've tried, hence why they're on my sidebar buttons. But there are a number of other options out there, and you should be able to find Elizabeth Avenue on any of them (let me know if you can't). I've decided to stick with Feedly for my blog surfin' because of its handy categorizing options, though I'm open to new options if any of you have had better luck with others?

Here are the links to Feedly and Bloglovin' to get you started, and don't forget to follow me HERE on Feedly, or HERE on Bloglovin'. 

I hope I'm helping you're blogging experience a little (ahem, mom!) and don't forget that you can always comment or email me with questions, ideas, promotions, or chit-chat. I love the love!


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xoxo, Elizabeth