
3 Tips for Organizing Your Pinterest Boards

It's funny that the purpose of Pinterest is to organize projects, recipes, and inspiration into perfectly categorized boards with clever names, yet I still have a hard time finding old pins or deciding if the topic for a board is too broad.

This is trivial, I know. Clearly my life has more purpose than figuring out how to organize my Pinterest boards, but the other night after the kiddo was asleep, I decided to deep clean those pinterest boards anyway. Here's what I learned along the way:

TIP 1: Make the boards more specific, especially for things that you pin a lot of. For instance, I pin DIY and Sewing inspirations more than anything else, so I made more specific boards like:

  • D.I.Y. CRAFT - Where I pin all things party, crafty, holiday, other like projects.
  • D.I.Y. KIDS - For all my favorite kid friendly crafts or DIY gifts for me to make for my kids.
  • D.I.Y. HOME - This is for more large scale home DIY projects that I'd like to remember, things like furniture up-cycling, and home organization tips.
  • D.I.Y. STYLE - Not all the DIY style ideas I have are sewing related, so I have a separate board for these, like stenciling or embellishing.
  • Sewing: Fashion Inspiration - This board helps me keep all my fashion sewing ideas in one place, instead of being mixed up with other sewing ideas.
  • Sewing: Other - My other board is full of other sewing ideas, from quilting to kids clothes to handbags. It might need split sometime in the future to be more categorized but this works for now.

TIP 2: Tis' the season to not have to dig through pins for a fall center-piece inspiration. Keeping seasonal things separate is VERY helpful! Sometimes, you pin something seasonal and then never get to doing it, making it, whatever that year. Next year you will know just where to look for all those ideas again! It's also important to keep these separate of crafts or home decor, since they are temporary or more specific to the time of year.

  • I haven't made a spring board yet... in about 4 months, when I'm dying for the snow to melt it will show up!

TIP 3: Create a board of things that you have done! I recently saw that a cousin of mine had a board just for the recipes she had pinned and actually made. She left her own comments on the specific dish and how it turned out. I love this idea! Especially when I'm trying to find a recipe or how-to that I've done before and loved.

    • I see it as a great way to share some of the things you've done that you don't want to write a whole blog post about. Then anyone can ask you what you thought about it, how well it worked, or what ever the question may be.

There you have it, 3 great ways to organize your Pinterest Boards, so they're working for you and not against you! Please follow along with me on any or all of my Pinterest boards here: 325lizzy, and if you check out TIP 3, feel free to ask about any of the projects I've done in this board.


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